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A Church-Wide
Church Leaders Across the U.S. Are Measuring What Matters
Are you measuring what matters?
Common lag measures like attendance and budgets don’t give you a clear picture of your church’s health. Measuring the 7 Dimensions of Human Flourishing and the 15 Dimensions of Church Thriving will allow you to see the health of your people and your church.
The 7 Dimensions of
Human Flourishing
Based on work from the Harvard Center for Human Flourishing and in collaboration with Barna and Gloo, human flourishing looks at seven dimensions of whole-person health.
These dimensions help people tell leaders how they are doing and where they need support and help.
The 15 Dimensions of
Church Thriving
Based on decades of research from Barna Group, the 15 dimensions of church thriving help leaders look beyond common lag measures to understand deeper drivers of church health.
These dimensions help people tell leaders how they are doing and where they need support and help.
Start Measuring the State of Your Church
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Real-Time Insights
Dashboards and custom results that help you move from guessing – to knowing. See your church's strengths and get insights on opportunities for growth.
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Personalized Next Steps
Every pastor, staff member, volunteer, and congregant is on their own unique journey.
Get personalized next-step recommendations to go from insights to action.
The ChurchPulse helps you answer:
A People-Centered Approach
Pre-launch Stats
Church Leaders Involved
Congregants on Flourishing Journeys
Church leaders that begin a thriving journey report seeing better ...
Intent to Stay
Invitational Culture
Team Unity